Most of our users asks us where can I download Pro theme? So this article will answer this question in detail.
The short answer is:
We do not sell any Pro theme. All our themes are free but we sell Gutenify Pro with all feature and Pro templates.
Long answer
When you purchase our Gutenify Pro you get access to all our:
- Pro Blocks
- Features
- Pro Site demo/ Templates
- And more ( Details here )
All our themes that you see here are free. You can use any theme from this page and use it into your site as default/ base theme. On the top of theme you activated you can download any site demo/ templates you see here This process of importing demo is explained here
So what is Site Demo/ Templates?
Site demo or templates are like your theme but its stored in database unlike theme which is stored in files. You will same feature as in theme. You can go to Appearance > Editor > Templates/ Templates Parts to edit any templates. Those are basic structure, color scheme of your site like how you pages, post, search, post listing or elements like button, form fields will look.
Along with structure you will also get sample pages like Home, About, contact and blog posts depending upon demo.
These demo/ templates will work as your framework to setup your site. Now you can edit any templates and pages as per your requirement.
Benefit of having just site demo/ templates and no pro theme?
Generally you will start with our free theme and plugin to test out and see if fits for your requirement. You make the changes and try building site with it. If it’s good and you need more feature you will checkout our Pro plugin and buy it. Once you buy our plugin, you install in your site and import demo or just use blocks and pro feature. Incase you just want to use pro feature and blocks then your changes made initially wont be affected. But if you had to switch to Pro theme then all the changes you made in free theme will be removed and you have to redo it again in Pro theme.
So this is the benefit of having pro plugin. your data and changes are kept safe. You can choose what to import and use with our pro plug-in.
Related topics:
- Import Demo:
- Incase there is error importing demo:
- Our support: